Meaning can be important in poetry if that is the intention of the poet. In my opinion poetry doesn’t have to have meaning to be considered a good poem. However, the poem will probably have a stronger effect on the reader, and the writer might be more passionate about the poem if it does have a significant meaning. I believe that the best art is created when the artist makes work about something significant that happened to them. This type of art is the most raw, the artist puts intense feelings out for the public eye to see, they are vulnerable. This applies in all forms of art, and can be applied to poetry as well. If the artist is passionate about their subject matter they make better work, and it shows. Readers will feel if an artist isn’t giving their all.
When it comes to understanding meaning, I would say look over a piece for at least 3-5 minutes and point out the obvious things. For me, some of the best art doesn’t reveal it’s intention right away, and isn’t obvious at first glance. It’s like watching a movie, you don’t want to see the trailer and know what the whole movie is about right away, It’s the suspense that makes movies great. Readers feel a sense of achievement when they discover something new about a piece.
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